Make Windows Easier to See. Try Windows Accessibility Options.
Having problems with your small screen laptop? Click the link below. As always the PC Help Group can assist you Wednesdays and Friday mornings. Thanks to CW member Betty M. for the tip.Click Link Below.
More Info Click Here
Keep Your Club Open
Effective June 1st, Computers West will start summer hours. The club will be open 10:00am to 2:00pm, Monday to Friday.
This is a great time to fulfill your monitoring obligation of 4 hours per YEAR.You also may bring your lunch and kick back and help the club stay open.
PC Help will continue Wednesdays and Fridays starting at 7:30 am and the Apple Genius Bar will continue Wednesdays at 10:00am.
Have you received help by any of our Apple, Microsoft, iPhone, Android phone or Cut the Cord technical volunteers this year? If so, please reciprocate and schedule your 4 hours as soon as possible. See the links below for information on Monitor Training and how to sign up.
Up through May 31st, you can still sign up for AM or PM shifts.
Keep Your Club viable, sign up NOW.
BE A MONITOR- All CW Members are required to monitor for 4-Hours per year
for more information, e-mail: Monitor coordinator
New Internet Provider for SCW Coming Soon
As a service to the community, the Recreation Centers of Sun City West wishes to advise residents that the company Zona Wyyered is planning construction in the near future throughout the community. Zona Wyyerd provides home internet service similar to Cox and CenturyLink. The Rec Centers has no association with Zona Wyyerd and does not endorse the company over any other internet provider, but is providing residents with a heads up since the construction activity will be highly visible throughout our neighborhoods.
Work is scheduled to begin sometime in the next 30-60 days and will continue through the end of the year. Residents will see Zona Wyyerd work trucks and contractors around several different locations in the community, including rights of way areas. The work includes locating and marking underground utilities, so residents can expect sidewalk markings and small flags in their yards during the periods when Zona is working on their streets. The company has county permits authorizing this work. As construction moves through Sun City West, Zona will provide notices to nearby residents in the form of letters and door hangers. Those notices will include a phone number residents can call if they have concerns or questions. Residents can also go to Zona’s website (https://www.fiber.events/) for information or to sign up for emailed construction updates.
Questions about the construction should be directed to Zona, not the Recreation Centers of Sun City West.This press release and other future announcements from the Rec Centers about Zona Wyyerd are meant to inform the community about their work and any disruptions that may occur from it.
PC Flight Simulator Group First Thursdays – Monthly General Meeting See You in the Fall on October 6th
If you are interested in some one on one instruction, John Burr will be available Thursday mornings by appointment ONLY. Call 602-330-8055 to set up your appointment.
More Info – Click Here
Pay or Renew Dues for 2022 On-Line
Do not wait until you need help or assistance with your hardware or software. Membership renewals are due January 1st of each year. Keep your club viable and renew now, if you have not done so. If you are uncomfortable renewing on-line, come by the club with your check and a monitor will assist you. Thank you.
Pay with Credit Card – Click Here
Here are the times when you can get one-on-one help with your Devices:
PC Windows Computers & Android devices (phones & Tablets)
Every Wednesday & Every Friday from 7:30am to Noon first come first served so(please sign up before 8:30am)
Apple Computers, Phones, tablets, & Apple TV
Every Wednesday from 10 am to noon
Linux Operating systems & Raspberry Pi devices
Every Friday from 8 am to 11am
Streaming TV devices (Firestick, TiVo, and other Android devices)
Every Wednesday from 8am to 10am
Every Thursday from 10am to Noon
Ancestry.com and Genealogy meets Thursdays 10:00 am to Noon
We have updated the Room B Classroom’s new PC’s with the Ancestry.com link on Microsoft Edge. We can seat up to 17 students along with the Instructor. There are also 5 PC’s in Room A and 4- Macs in the Mac Room C with Ancestry.com installed. Any member of Computers West can access these machines if you are interested. Laura King and her assistants will be available on Thursday mornings from 10:00am to Noon in Room A to provide guidance and instructions on using the software. This is a no fee class.
Wednesdays at 9:00 am, meet Norm, Jim Bob, Dave and Gary for a Q&A session on cord cutting. Fire Sticks, Roku, TiVo, Sling, Onn android, HD HomeRun and another stuff about cutting the cord.
For More Info Click here |
Did You Know?
The PC Help Group can also help you with your Android cell phone. (Samsung, LG, Motorola etc.) Having issues? Come by on Wednesdays and Fridays starting at 7:30 am. You must be logged in by 8:30am. Help is available on a first come-first served based on the expertise of the PC Volunteers.
The Linux group is open Fridays 8:00am to Noon – Room D
Coffee is On
Sun City West Linux Group Supports:
The Re-building; Re-configuring; customizing; Hobby Computing; or any other “ing “you might want to do with FREE software and your computer hardware.
The installation and upgrading of Linux Mate 20,xx is now automated.
So, if you are running an older version of Linux OS, it’s time to upgrade into the free, fastest, safest, OS around.
We are expanding our mission to include maintenance of:
- Linux Mint & Cinnamon
- Other Linux Distributions
- Ed Madden’s Cable Cutting Lab
Flight Simulator Group- See you in October
The Flight Simulator Group’s General Meeting meets once a month on the first Thursdays at: 9:00am to 12:00pm. This general meeting is open to all interested CW members. The following Thursdays are for one-on one flight training by an Instructor. Contact: lanalbublitz@gmail.com or call: 602-330-8055 to set up your appointment. Instruction appointments will be from: 9:00am to 12:00pm. Interested?? Stop by any Thursday to observe the instructors and if you are lucky get some one on one flying time if an instructor is available. Observers are always welcome.
More Info – Click Here
Digital Scrapbooking – My Memories software
This software is available for your use for free in the classroom anytime the club is open and no classes are scheduled.
Adobe Photoshop Elements – Software
Organize and edit your photos to use individually, in a Scrapbook of Photo Album.This software is available for your use for free in the classroom anytime the club is open and no classes are scheduled.
Next PC User Group – General Meeting – Palm Ridge- September 13th (No General Meetings May through August)
Social Time with a light lunch starts at 11:30 am. The CW General Meeting starts at 12:00pm immediately followed by the PC User Group – General Meeting
Windows 7 was released back in 2009, and despite no longer having support from Microsoft, it still boasts millions of users. Running Windows 7 on your computer, however, can be a huge security risk.
If you’re running Windows 7 for whatever reason, you don’t have much to lose by upgrading. Windows 7’s layout and themes may be familiar, but the lack of support means there’s little recourse if your computer gets infected with malware.
The PC Help Group can still update members Windows 7 desktops or laptops to Windows 10 for free. Help is available Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30 am. You must check-in before 8:30am on a first come first served basis. It may take up to 2 hours to upgrade depending on your machine and availability of our volunteers.
Microsoft may stop this free upgrade at any time.
Genealogy Training and Demo’s
Room A – Walk-In – No Fee Thursdays at 10:00am to Noon.
The PC computer group pays for a subscription to Ancestry.com that is available only on the PCs in Room A and is free for Computer Club members to use.
More information, click here.
Flight Simulator Group
Room A has an active Flight Sim computer for your use anytime the Club is open.
Click here for more info
PC Discussion Group Information Files: CLICK HERE
TO SUBSCRIBE to the Computers West e-mail list click here & send the message.
Holiday party pictures: The Pictures